Celebrating 50 Years of Life Eternal Trust and its Objects, Post 2 on on the Eve of Makar Saṅkrānti
That Awe Is So Fulfilling, So Penetrating, So Deep
Śhrī Mātājī: The bridle is not there. There's no bridle, in our behavior. We go to extremes in everything. Whatever we do, we go to extremes. There's no bridle in our hands and this is what, one has to get to the bridle.
Sahaja Yogi: What is the proper attitude when we take darśhan from You? I've never known how to approach You.
Dr. Warren Reeves: "What is the proper attitude when we take darśhan of You, Śhrī Mātājī?" He's never known the proper attitude.
Śhrī Mātājī: Oh, it's rather embarrassing. All right, I'll close My eyes and My face and I'll tell you. ......
Now, your question is nice.
Now supposing Christ appears before you, and you know He's Christ, what will happen? That should be the attitude, at least, minimum. Though Christ had to manage only one chakra's, I, here I have to manage seven.>br> If that attitude develops, even thinking of Me is sufficient, you have to just think of Me your diseases will be cured.
That depth has to be reached.
I'm, this is just one chakra's, seven times raised to the power seven. That's what it is!
You have seen the miracles, you have seen the Photographs, you have seen thousands getting Realization, none of them did it.
But I also I'm Mahāmāyā. But in your heart you should know whom you are facing. But mostly people get into the web of Mahāmāyā very much.
That awe is so fulfilling, so penetrating, so deep, that one lives with that idea only, all the time. You don't need anything with that. It's a very great fortune. If I were you, I would have called Myself the most fortunate person.
But [if it] is the other way round, I don't know what to say then. Though I must say that I'm very fortunate, because compared to all of Them I have so many of you here, who are Sahaja Yogis, so I'm very fortunate, and I'm very happy about it, very happy. But still, to grow in that you have to know what it is.
Actually, he made a horrible thing which I ... uh you can't imagine. I mean, if I tell you, you'll be shocked! He made a deed. He made the deed for the so-called registration of the ...... Vishwa Nirmala Dharma [in the U.S.A.].
You can say Life Eternal Trust.
And what he wrot... he ... what he did was that: when I die he becomes the head! He becomes the head of the whole of the world, Mister Danny! That his great wife has achieved it. And, when [pointing towards him:] he found it out, he told Me, "Mother, what are You doing?"
I trusted him so -- he's such a good man. I don't know how he got into this trap of getting some sort of a power.
Can you do that? You cannot!"
1986-0113 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Health Advice, the Sun, Western Habits, the Brain and Medical Matters, the day before Makar Saṅkrānti Pūjā, Tent, Banks of the Musalawāḍī Lake (10 kms NE of Rāhurī), Maharashtra, India
To facilitate the work of Mātājī as follows:
6. To spread the news of the descent of the Divine Grace, with the help of self-realized disciples of Mātājī.
7. To cure people of their physical and mental ailments by blessing them with divine healing touch of Mātājī and other disciples who have developed their Collective Consciousness Self-realization.
Links to suggested talk: vimeo
1986-0113 Health Advice Rahuri from Sahaja Library on Vimeo.
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!
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