2023 Birthday Centenary of H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Post 10

1 minute read


The Yoga Of Your Attention With My Feet

"When I say Sahaj Yog, you know that is the Yoga of your attention with My Feet. That's what it is.
But if you are still moving with your egos, and if you are still thinking on those lines, that: 'We are something and the we can start our own Sahaj Yog. We can work out this way and that way,' or, 'My wife is like that,' 'My child is like that,' 'My husband is like that.'
You have to give up all these problems, on one side! Otherwise, you will not ascend.
My attention is always on your Kuṇḍalinī.
You cannot play tricks in Sahaja Yoga, take it from Me. Anybody who tries to play any trick will be very badly punished. So please be very, very careful not to be dishonest, and not to play tricks in Sahaja Yoga.
But whatever you are doing, keep attention in your connection."
1990-0923 Navarātri Pūjā (4th Day), The Deities Are Watching You, Hall, Arzier-Le Muids, Nyon, Vaud, Switzerland

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