2023 Birthday Centenary of H. H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, Post 11

2 minute read


Nothing But Love And Compassion And The Message Of Breaking The Sahasrāra

"The Resurrection of Christ is very symbolic for Sahaja Yoga. If Christ could be resurrected, then the human beings also can be resurrected, because He came as a human being with all powers and He created the Path of Resurrection for us. This Path of Resurrection is the one that we have followed in Sahaja Yoga.
What does a human being need is nothing but love and compassion: love and compassion of a very, very pure type.
Look at Christ: He pitied the people who crucified Him. He told His Father, the God Almighty, that, "Please forgive them, because they don't know what they are doing." He could see that the blindness of these people are doing wrong things and God the Father will be very annoyed, who is wrathful, and may destroy them. So, this is what uh it was done with a very compassionate feeling. Without thinking about, just automatically, He felt that, 'These people are doing all this to Me and I don't know what will happen to them.' So, He prayed to God, to Father: "Please forgive. Please forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing, they are blind. So please do not punish them."
What compassion! What love! I mean, think of it: kuh do we do that in our life if somebody harms us, troubles us? Do we ask Father to forgive those who do not know what they are doing? That should be the level of Sahaj Yog. And it will work out very well if you ask for forgiveness, God will look after them, He'll transform them, He'll bring them to their senses.
Is the Christ within you has to arise, Christ within you has to guide, it is Christ within you who will teach you how to behave towards others and how to gain their confidence, and give them the love and peace, that you have now flowing within you, to make them very, very happy and joyous people. This is the Message of Resurrection, this is the Message of breaking the Sahasrāra."
1998-0419 Easter Pūjā, The Message of Resurrection and Be All the Time Prepared to Sacrifice Whatever Is Possible for the Emancipation of Humanity (What We Want Now: to Give Whatever We Have Achieved to Others), Istanbul, Turkey

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Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

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