"Likewise Ādināth [Ṛiṣhabhadeva, first Tīrthaṅkara in Jainism], who came before Māhavīr, was also an Incarnation of Dattātreya."
1979-0223 Public Program (Marathi), Kuṇḍalinī Śhakti ani Sat Chakra (Kuṇḍalinī Śhakti and the Seven Chakras), Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India
"Dattātreya is the innocence of all these Three Powers.
And this Guru uh was the One whose ... who then had a big tradition of Gurus.
In the same tradition, we had many Gurus in our country. And, specially, in the area near Bombay [Mumbai], which is called as Maharashtra, they came as Nāth. They are, they were called as Nāth.
So the first one was Ādināth [Ṛiṣhabhadeva, first Tīrthaṅkara in Jainism], then ahh Dattātreya, then Macchindranāth, then Gorakhnāth, like that a tradition of these Gurus came.
But all their knowledge was kept as a guarded secret. It was a Gupta Vidyā. Is absolutely guarded secret: secret knowledge about Kuṇḍalinī.
They never talked about it, they never told about it. Because they thought: that, 'Just now, let us experiment with it fully, and then we will give some idea about it to people.' "
1979-0530 Public Program, A Higher Life, A World of Bliss and Joy (The Three Paths of Evolution), Caxton Hall, 10 Caxton Street, Westminster, London, UK
"Like Muhammad Sāhab and all these Gurus, all these Great Incarnations of the Primordial Master who was Ādi Dattātreya, Ādinātha, They taught you how to maintain your religion, your sustainance [sustenance], your balance."
1979-0616 Conversation with Sahaja Yogis, Bala Kanayson's House, Rosemary Road, Tamworth (31 kms NE of Birmingham), UK
"For example, we can say the gree... green thing is the one that represents the water, water element. This center the ... in the stomach is the water element within us. It is called as Nābhī chakra, and around it is called as the Bhavasāgara, you can say the Void, or you can say the Gap, or whatever you may say, the whole world as such, within us. So, the people who were born on this center, around this center, were born out of water element.
In this Bhavasāgara – oc... Bhavasāgara means the ocean of this world – were born, through this ocean of the world, were born all the Primordial Masters, one after another. We can say Abraham, Moses, we had Janaka, were Ādināth, and Socrates, and so many others like that, Nāṇaka, and also very recently, we had about hundred years back, a very great Saint born in India known as Sāī Nāth.
They all represent the same element that is the water element. Being responsible or being born out of that, They are anxious to maintain water element as the one which is within us for sustaining ourselves. We su... we are sustained by water, so They help us to sustain ourselves. They are the sustainers: They tell us how to sustain us as a human being.
And all of Them have tried to establish religion within us.
A religion doesn't mean outside, but the religion as a man: means the capacity of a man, or you can say the quality of a man. What a human being should be like, what is the way to know if he is a human being or not, which is described in al... in the Ten Commandments."
1980-0421 Public Program, What Is Second Birth, Caxton Hall, 10 Caxton Street, Westminster, London, UK
"To normalize you, all these Great Saints were born on this Earth, in this Void of the Big Primordial Being. And they exist within us, though they are not awakened as yet.
We have had mainly Ten of Them. In India, we can call Them, from a very long time, as Ādināth, who was thousands of year[s] back. I have told you Socrates, Moses, Abraham, then Rāja Janaka. Then we had, later on, Muhammad Sāhab, then Nāṇaka. Then the last, one of Them, was Śhirḍī Sāī Nāth. He was another Primordial Master, a great man.
They are the Incarnations of the One Personality! They said the same thing and same thing and same thing: how to sustain yourself. Their job was not to give you Realization, but to sustain you: to make you capable of your Realization, to make you a proper recipient of God's blessings as realized Souls.
If the pot is not all right, if it has all the holes in it, what's the use of pouring Ganges into it?
So They clogged all the points, and said that, "This should not be done."
But as we have made mess of everything, we have made mess of Them also. All of us! Whether you are English, Indians or this thing doesn't matter. Whether you are Christians, Muslims or a Sikh or anything doesn't matter. All of us have made a mess of Them by just disobeying. We have really disobeyed Them, because we have a freedom to disobey. We have molded Them as we liked!"
1980-0613 Public Program, Something within Us which Makes Us Seek Something Beyond, Stratford, East London, London, UK
"Now, all the Gurus, all the Gurus who came, say from ... we can start from Socrates, then Abraham, Moses, this is the Guru Tattwa, is the Principle of Master, Primordial Masters. The Principle is born again and again.
In India we can say the Ādināth, we had one Ādināth, the Guru long time back. Then we had Dattātreya, we had uh Janaka, Nāṇaka, Sāī Nāth.
We had in the Middle East Muhammad Sāhab, Lao Tze in China, Confucius.
All these Great Principles of Gurus who were born, They had one job to do is to establish your dharma. Their job was not to give you Realization.
You must understand: everyone has one's own job.
See, Mine is a horrible job [laughing:] because I have to do everybody's jobs.
But Their job was just to establish your dharma. They came at that time in those places where it was needed the most.
So, these Ten Principles, as I told you, They established [dharma].
They are created in the Void."
1980-0728 Public Program, The Principle of Guru (Moderation Is the Way We Really Solve the Problem and The Innocence Is in the Center), Sea is the Guru (The Sea Is to Be Worshiped and So Much to Learn from the Sea) and Your Dharma Is the Way Your Attention Is (Dharma Is Balancing), Caxton Hall, 10 Caxton Street, Westminster, London, UK
"But with you I have to request you to think about it and to put your attention to it. And you'll be amazed, when you will know about it, that how much a chastity of a woman is important and graceful and energy-giving to her and to the whole society, to her own brother, to her own father, mother and everyone, to her children, because she is the one, really, who is the śhakti. And if she starts frittering away her śhakti like this, then the śhakti of the whole community, the whole country disappears.
And that is why all the Gurus, right from Ādināth, or you can say Ādi Guru, up to, you can say, Moses and [A]braham and Muhammad Sāhab and all these people, have been so particular on this poaint ... point that even Muhammad Sāhab said, "Supposing there are too many women, then you can marry four times." Doesn't mean that every Muslim should marry. But it was [laughing:] meaning that there were too many women on those days, so He said, "All right, but marry them!" "
1980-0826 Talk to Sahaja Yogis (Rakṣhābandhan Day), Caxton Hall, 10 Caxton Street, Westminster, London, UK
"Sahaja Yoga today is the Last Judgment. Today. Sahaja Yoga is spontaneous, as always Realization has been spontaneous, whether in the time of Ādināth, of Buddha, of Christ. [Sahaja Yoga aujourd'hui est le Jugement Dernier. Aujourd'hui. Sahaja Yoga est spontané, comme toujours la Réalisation a été spontanée, que ce soit au temps d'Ādināth, de Bouddha, du Christ.]"
1984-0507 Interview with Michel Sadashiva Cherney for the Sahaja Yoga Magazaine in French L'Attention, Issue 4, Pages 32 to 37, Āśhram, 9, Allée Du Rocher, Le Raincy (13 kms E of Paris), France
"And that is what is dharma: is the ten valences within us. These ten valances are nothing but dharma, which was preached by all the Great Saints. We can start it from Ādināth, we can say Lao Tze, we can say Confucius, we can say Zoroaster, we can say Muhammad Sāhab, we can say Nāṇak Sāhab, we can say Janaka, we can say the, all of Them are the representation or manifestation of Dattātreya, which we know very well in Maharashtra what is Dattātreya."
1984-1205 Public Program (English+Marathi), Day 2, Pune, Maharashtra, India
"Here [turning and pointing towards the Chakra Chart:] the Guru Tattwa is expressed in the Void, there, where the Ten Gurus actually incarnated basically and they re-incarnated. Say we can start uh-uh from Ādināth. Then we can come to ... other ones, uh-uh-uh ... like Nāṇaka, Janaka. Janaka was-ss much earlier. Then we can say Abraham, Moses-s-s. All these were Guru Tattwa, Socrates. All these were Guru Tattwa people: the people who came as Prophets. The ones who came on this Earth to teach us balance, to teach us the Code of Life.
That was also important part. But that was forgot[ten]!
'Why? Why the code? Why the religion?' Religion is for the ascent, to build you up."
1985-1128 Public Program (Śhrī William Blake's Birthday), Building the New Jerusalem, Hammersmith Town Hall, 1 Riverside Gardens, Hammersmith, London W6 9LE, UK
"The authority with which Moses talked, authority with which Socrates talked, authority with which Lao Tze talked ... All these great Ādi Gurus, from Ādināth to Sāī Nāth, They didn't say, 'If you do this way will be good,' or, 'That way would be good.' No! "This is what it is, you better do it!"
This is what it is!"
1986-0706 Guru Pūjā, Cosmic Consciousness, Hall, Kongresshaus Toscana, Toscanapark und Ruhe, Johann Orth-Allee 23, Gmunden (75 kms E of Salzburg), Austria
"As we had very great people ... uh ... on this Earth, I have given you the names, as we said there are, there have been Ten Gurus, uh ... starting from Ādināth [Ṛiṣhabhadeva, first Tīrthaṅkara in Jainism], we had Confucius, we had Socrates, and later on we had Abraham, Moses and also up to Śhirḍī Sāī Nāth, we had about Ten Great Gurus, now we have so many here sitting down. They are all gurus, and they have to behave like gurus and they have to the ... do the job of Great Gurus."
1988-0731 Guru Pūjā, The First Principle of the Guru Is the Gravity (First Thing and Foremost Thing Is that We Must Have Gravity in Temperament and Value System of a Balance and You Have to Become the Fruits of Sahaja Yoga), Tent, Grounds around Annapurna Atiram Aparthotel, Pont d'Ansalonga, Ansalonga, Andorra
"And in the stomach, in the Void as you say, are the all the Guru Tattwa where all the Great Gurus uh-uh from Ādināth, Muhammad Sāhab and others up to, we can say, Śhirḍī Sāī Nāth, all of Them are the Guru Principle which we worshiped last time when we were in Andorra."
1988-0806 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, The Witness State (Taṭasth), Lawn, Āśhram, Garlate (40 kms E of Como), Italy
[We had many Yogis who started work on the middle path of human ascent like Gorakhnāth, Ādināth, Macchindranāth. They worked on the problem of human beings and how to make this ascent possible. They discovered in human beings in the triangular bone sacrum a residual power.]
1989-1018 Public Talk, 1st World Conference on Yoga Organized by the Soviet Ministry of Health, Moscow University, Moscow, Russia (other date 1019)
"This, the central path, was for, actually, redemption and for awakening the Kuṇḍalinī, which was done by mostly the Nāth Pānthis: like Macchindranāth, Gorakhnāth, Ādināth, these people did it. "
1990-0212 Public Program, Day 1, Chowdia Memorial Hall, Town Hall, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
"In the early days-s-s, thousands of years back, all over the world there were realized Souls. You can start right from Abraham, to Moses, to Confucius. In India there were many great Saints: Ādināth, from that, Nāth Pānthis they were called as.
Their job was just to give awakening to people."
1990-0315 Public Program, Department of Religious Studies, University, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
"Then ... then of course, of course after Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa, who took the lead was Christ. And He started talking about spirituality.
Even, you will be surprised, that Abraham or Moses did not talk of spirituality. They talked of God, but not of spirituality.
Till Christ came, nobody said that, "You are to be born-again," even in the ... on the other side of the world. Only Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa said this thing.
Śhrī Rāma was taught by His guru: that, 'He should be born-again.' In the sense that: what is the Kuṇḍalinī and all that. Not that He should be born-again, but He ... He had become a human being, as I told you. So he taught Him about Kuṇḍalinī, he told Him about Kuṇḍalinī.
But it was a very secret science, followed by only very ... Nāth Pānthis we call them, is the Ādināth and all that. Very few people were given Realization.
In Rāma's time just we know upon Nachiketa. And His father-in-law was a realized Soul."
1990-0819 Śhrī Kṛiṣhṇa Pūjā, Hallowtree Scout Campsite, Nacton, Ipswich IP10 0JP, UK
"Now, the tradition is, that: we had a group, we should say, we called them as Nāth Pānthis, in India, who were working on the central path, which is called as Suṣhumṇā. But the tradition was that only one guru c[o]uld have only one disciple. That was the tradition, for ages together. And the we had this-s Gorakhnāth, and you must have heard about the Macchindranāth, Gorakhnāth, Ādināth [Ṛiṣhabhadeva, first Tīrthaṅkara in Jainism], all these people."
1991-0413 Public Program, National Press Club, Canberra, Australia
"I didn't tell you about the third kind of movement we had in our country, is of Nāth Pānthis.
Jains have Ādināth, and a deviation started from that: ah ... one guru was supposed to give knowledge to only one person. Like Janaka had only Nachiketa.
Till the time of Gyāneśhwara, that's in the twelfth century.
Gyāneśhwara was the disciple of His own brother, Nivṛuttināth. And They suffered a lot. And He asked Nivṛuttināth for one permission: that, "Let Me open the Truth to the public. Just I'll tell about it! I'll not do anything, I'll just tell about it."
Because thirteen, fourteen thousand years back Mārkaṇḍeya has described about Kuṇḍalinī. Then came ... Ādi Śhaṅkarāchārya has described about Kuṇḍalinī.
But all in Sanskrit language. And Sanskrital knowledge was not available to the common public. And those who knew Sanskrit nalguage ... language didn't want to get into Self-knowledge.
Thus this knowledge was kept a secret all the time."
1991-1206 Public Program, Day 1, Narada Gana Sabha, 254 Mowbrays Road, Alwarpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
"But in the center we had another great movement which is called as Nāth, Nāth Pānthis. They say it came from Śhiva, but whatever it is: it came from Ādināth [Ṛiṣhabhadeva, first Tīrthaṅkara in Jainism], and these people, and got diverted into many types."
1996-0628 Public Program, Myths Are Unreal, Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, London SW7, UK
"Maheśha (Śhiva), Viṣhṇu and Brahmadeva form the Trinity which incarnated as one teacher God, the Primordial Master, Dattātreya. He came onto this Earth to teach people the secrets of the Divine, to reveal God, and to help them cross the Ocean of Illusion themselves within their own identity. Evolution could not go further in the hands of human beings who were in the bondage of ignorance, so they were given guidance through this Incarnation of the Primordial Master (Ādi Guru) again and again in different lives. He was created as the three-headed child, Dattātreya, by Ādi Śhakti who appeared on Earth during the Tretā Yuga as Satī Anasūyā, wife of the Sage Atreya. He was born as Ādināth who founded Jainism – one of the oldest religions. Then he was born as Rāja Janaka, father of Jānakī also called Sītā, Rāma's wife. She was an Incarnation of Ādi Śhakti.
The Primordial Master was also born as Macchindranāth, and again as Zoroaster who was worshiped by the ancient Persians, and still revered by Parsis. Earlier He had taken birth as Abraham and later as Moses, the Fathers of Judaism. In China He was born as Confucius and as Lao Tze, and in Greece as Socrates. He took a very significant Incarnation as Muhammad Sāhib, the Messenger (Paigambar) and founder of Islam, whose daughter Fāṭimah was Sītā reborn, an Incarnation of Ādi Śhakti. She was the origin of the Shiya sect among the Muslims (in Indian dialect Sītā is called Shiya). Yet again He took birth as Guru Nāṇak, founder of the Sikh religion, whose sister was Nāṇakī (Jānakī, i.e., Sītā). Most recently He was born as Śhrī Sāī Bābā of Śhirḍī in the Indian State of Maharashtra where He died in 1918. Altogether there were ten major Avatāras of Dattātreya."
The Book of Ādi Śhakti, Chapter 2: Divine Incarnations – Ambassadors of God, Pages 32 and 33
"In this Void is placed the Primordial Master (Ādi Guru) formed from Brahmā, Viṣhṇu and Maheśha (Śhiva). This Primordial Master is also known as Dattātreya. He has taken many human births as a Prophet and teacher, such as Rāja Janaka, Ādināth, Macchindranāth, Zoroaster, Guru Nāṇaka, and Sāī Nāth of Śhirḍī. This Deity helps human beings to seek their salvation by crossing the Void or Ocean of Illusion within themselves."
The Book of Ādi Śhakti, Chapter 9: The Creation of Kuṇḍalinī in Human Beings, Pages 124 and 125
Jay Śhrī Mātājī!