Archives Team (Tags)


Data Table

less than 1 minute read



Archive Post 19: Alphabetical Archives Posts

2 minute read


1. Ads: 1 files
2. Articles: 28 files
3. Australian Sahaja Newsletter: Total files 100
     3.1. Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 1 (1997): 8 files
     3.2. Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 2 (1998): 48 files (includes 3 supplements)
     3.3. Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 3 (1999): 43 files (includes 2 supplements)
     3.4. Australian Sahaja Newsletter Part 4 (2000): 1 file
4. Divine Cool Breeze (USA): 2 files
5. Letters and Press Releases: 5 files
6. Newsletter Australia: 3 files
7. Official Photos with Text: 1 file
8. Posters: 14 files
9. Publications Related to Offerings: 1 file
10. Sahaj Patrika (Hindi): 1 file
11. Sahaj Yog (Marathi): Total files 4
     11.1. Sahaj Yog (Marathi), Part 2 (1986): 4 files
12. Sahaja Newsletter (Australia): Total files 87
     12.1. Sahaja Newsletter (Australia), Part 1 (1991): 5 files
     12.2. Sahaja Newsletter (Australia), Part 2 (1992): 48 files (includes 8 supplements)
     12.3. Sahaja Newsletter (Australia), Part 3 (1993): 34 files (includes 2 supplements)
13. Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter: Total files 148
     13.1. Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 1 (2000): 33 files
     13.2. Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 2 (2001): 15 files
     13.3. Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 3 (2002): 42 files
     13.4. Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 4 (2003): 41 files
     13.5. Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 5 (2004): 16 files
     13.5. Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 6 (2005): 1 file
14. The Australian Sahaja Newsletter: Total files 163
     14.1. The Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 1 (1993): 14 files
     14.2. The Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 2 (1994): 39 files
     14.3. The Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 3 (1995): 36 files
     14.4. The Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 4 (1996): 37 files (includes 1 supplement)
     14.5. The Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 5 (1997): 27 files
15. The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter: Total files 88
     15.1. The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Part 1 (2005): 17 files
     15.2. The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Part 2 (2006): 22 files
     15.3. The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Part 3 (2007): 29 files
     15.4. The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Part 4 (2008): 19 files
     15.5. The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Part 5 (2009): 11 files
16. The Life Eternal Trust India Annual Magazines and Souvenirs: 3 files
17. The Sahaj Patrika (ISPS, English): 1 file

S1. Articles Honoring Sir C.P.: 4 files


Archive Post 21: Sahaj Yog (Marathi), Part 2 (1986)

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaj Yog (Marathi) published in the 2nd calendar year (1986) and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 20: The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Part 5 (2009)

1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter published in the 5th year (2009) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1 (2005), please see Part 1.
For Part 2 (2006), please see Part 2.
For Part 3 (2007), please see Part 3.
For Part 4 (2008), please see Part 4.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 20: The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Part 4 (2008)

2 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter published in the 4th year (2008) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1 (2005), please see Part 1.
For Part 2 (2006), please see Part 2.
For Part 3 (2007), please see Part 3.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 20: The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Part 3 (2007)

3 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter published in the 3rd year (2007) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1 (2005), please see Part 1.
For Part 2 (2006), please see Part 2.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 20: The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Part 2 (2006)

3 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter published in the 2nd year (2006) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 20: The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter, Part 1 (2005)

2 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter published in the 1st year (2005) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the Australian Sahaja Yoga Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 10: Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 6 (2005)

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter published in the 6th year (2005) and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).
This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.
For Part 2, please see Part 2.
For Part 3, please see Part 3.
For Part 4, please see Part 4.
For Part 5, please see Part 5.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 18: Second Annual Report

1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

Here is the progress made in the last year (since the first annual report on 2023-0316), in relation to the Data Table and the Archive Posts.

Second Summary of the 14 numerical indices.
i. Rows of the Table: 1,932 (an increment of 652 rows, i.e., of 1.7814 rows per day).
ii. Organized rows left to be added to the Table: 1,228 (a decrement of 73).
iii. Estimated unorganized rows left to be added to the Table: 1,500 (no change).
iv. Specific posts: 15 (an increment of 13).
v. Estimated specific posts to be started: 135.
vi. Total links: 1,160 (an increment of 1,014).
vii. External Links: 680 (DCB: 141, SDL: 539) (an increment of 539).
viii. CCT Links: 480 (Collections: 466, CCT: 14) (an increment of 475, Collections: 466, CCT: 9).
ix. Total files uploaded (not including versions): 480 (an increment of 475).
x. Total pages uploaded or linked: 23,677 (an increment of 23,599).
xi. Other files (originals, received, etc.) uploaded (not counting versions): 458.
xii. Other pages uploaded: 2,908 (from the 458 files, an increment of 2,908).
xiii. Files scanned and cropped by CCT: 22 (an increment of 17).
xiv. Pages scanned and cropped by CCT: 213 (an increment of 135 pages).

We thank you in advance for any help, support, and feedback. Please write to us at

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 17: Ads

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share ads received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 16: Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 4 (2000)

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Australian Sahaja Newsletter published in the 4th year (2000) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the The Australian Sahaja Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.
For Part 2, please see Part 2.
For Part 3, please see Part 3.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 16: Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 3 (1999)

6 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Australian Sahaja Newsletter published in the 3rd year (1999) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the The Australian Sahaja Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.
For Part 2, please see Part 2.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 16: Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 2 (1998)

6 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Australian Sahaja Newsletter published in the 2nd year (1998) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the The Australian Sahaja Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 16: Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 1 (1997)

1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Australian Sahaja Newsletter published in the 1st year (1997) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the The Australian Sahaja Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 15: The Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 5 (1997)

4 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Australian Sahaja Newsletter published in the 5th year (1997) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the Sahaja Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.
For Part 2, please see Part 2.
For Part 3, please see Part 3.
For Part 4, please see Part 4.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 15: The Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 4 (1996)

5 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Australian Sahaja Newsletter published in the 4th year (1996) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the Sahaja Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.
For Part 2, please see Part 2.
For Part 3, please see Part 3.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 15: The Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 3 (1995)

5 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Australian Sahaja Newsletter published in the 3rd year (1995) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the Sahaja Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.
For Part 2, please see Part 2.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 15: The Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 2 (1994)

6 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Australian Sahaja Newsletter published in the 2nd year (1994) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the Sahaja Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 15: The Australian Sahaja Newsletter, Part 1 (1993)

2 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Australian Sahaja Newsletter published in the 1st year (1993) and received or scanned by the team. This publication was a natural continuation of the Sahaja Newsletter.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 13: Sahaja Newsletter (Australia), Part 3 (1993)

5 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaja Newsletter (Australia) published in the 3rd year (1993) and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.
For Part 2, please see Part 2.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 13: Sahaja Newsletter (Australia), Part 2 (1992)

7 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaja Newsletter (Australia) published in the 2nd year (1992) and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 1, please see Part 1.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 14: Official Photos with Text

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share Official Photos with Text that have been received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Special Post 1: Articles Honoring Sir C.P.

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share articles that honor Sir C.P. and that are received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 13: Sahaja Newsletter (Australia), Part 1 (1991)

1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaja Newsletter (Australia) published in the 1st year (1991) and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 12: Newsletter (Australia)

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Newsletter (Australia) published in 1989 and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 10: Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 1 (2000)

4 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter published in the 1st year (2000) and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).
This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 2, please see Part 2.
For Part 3, please see Part 3.
For Part 4, please see Part 4.
For Part 5, please see Part 5.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 10: Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 2 (2001)

1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter published in the 2nd year (2001) and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).
This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 3, please see Part 3.
For Part 4, please see Part 4.
For Part 5, please see Part 5.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 10: Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 3 (2002)

4 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter published in the 3rd year (2002) and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).
This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 4, please see Part 4.
For Part 5, please see Part 5.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 10: Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 4 (2003)

4 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter published in the 4th year (2003) and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).
This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.
For Part 5, please see Part 5.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 11: The Life Eternal Trust India Annual Magazines and Souvenirs

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Life Eternal Trust India Annual Magazines and Souvenirs received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 9: The Sahaj Patrika (English, ISPS)

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of The Sahaj Patrika (English, ISPS) received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 10: Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter, Part 5 (2004)

2 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaja Yoga Australian Newsletter published in the 5th year (2004) and received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).
[Note added on 2023-0720:] This is a joint project with Kannan Subrahmanyan from Australia.

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 8: Sahaj Patrika (Hindi)

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share issues of Sahaj Patrika (Hindi) received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 7: Publications related to Offerings

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share Publications related to Offerings that have been received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 6: Articles

5 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share newspaper articles received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 5: Posters

2 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

This post will share posters received or scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 4: First Annual Report

1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

Our subteam has started contributing to the Archives of the database via specific posts (so far 5 pdf files in 2 specific posts, on Divine Cool Breeze Magazine and on Letters and Press Releases) and via the table at the link Data Table, which currently has 1,280 rows and which is projected that in due time will have a number of rows between 4,000 and 21,000. About 150 total specific posts are envisioned and we will gradually reach there.

First Summary of the 14 numerical indices.
i. Rows of the Table: 1,280.
ii. Organized rows left to be added to the Table: 1,301.
iii. Estimated unorganized rows left to be added to the Table: 1,500.
iv. Specific posts: 2.
v. Estimated specific posts to be started: 148.
vi. Total links: 146.
vii. External Links: 141 (DCB: 141).
viii. CCT Links: 5.
ix. Total files uploaded: 5.
x. Total pages uploaded: 78.
xi. Other files (originals, received, etc.) uploaded: 0.
xii. Other pages uploaded: 0.
xiii. Files scanned and cropped by CCT: 5.
xiv. Pages scanned and cropped by CCT: 78.

We thank you in advance for any help, support, and feedback. Please write to us at

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The Archives Subteam


Archive Post 3: Letters and Press Releases Scanned

1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

This post will share letters and press releases scanned by the team.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters. If files are downloaded using the download buttons/arrows, please kindly do not change the names of the files (modulo replacements of underscores by spaces).

We thank you in advance for any help, support, and feedback. Please write to us at

The Comprehensive Compilations Team


Archive Post 2: Updates

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

We are pleased to let you know that the Archives Subteam has started to share its scans, collections, and data. With the occasion of the upcoming Diwālī Celebrations, the subteam would like to offer to the Lotus Feet of our Divine Mother a new data archive table which will gradually grow to thousands of items.
Please kindly have a look at the link Table
The first estimate is between 4,000 and 21,000 items. Gradually, it will be developed more and more.
First priority will be given to new materials received or scanned.
We thank you in advance for any help, support, feedback, or contribution of files and data. Please kindly write to us at

The Archives Subteam of the Comprehensive Compilations Team


Archive Post 1: CCT Scans of a few DCB (USA) Magazine issues

less than 1 minute read


Dear Sahaja Yogis and Sahaja Yoginīs,

Jay Śhrī Mātājī!

The website Divine Cool Breeze Books has generously shared as pdfs and/or ebooks and/or online's the old issues of Divine Cool Breeze (USA) Magazine and of its predecessors in the U.S.A. Our team has been asked to contribute with pdf scans of the few missing issues, which will be shared gradually below. Our team also hopes to contribute with a few better pdf scans versions than the currently available on the mentioned website or on other dedicated websites or sources.

Please enjoy and kindly share with all our brothers and sisters.

We thank you in advance for any help, support, and feedback. Please write to us at

The Comprehensive Compilations Team